How to Create Recipes

Step 1  Navigate to Appearance → Recipes from WordPress Admin Dashboard.

Step 2 — You will see a page that listed all the recipes.

Step 3 — You can create a new recipe by clicking Add New Recipe button.

Step 4 — You can enter the Title and Description of the recipe on the page that opens.

Step 4 — You can enter the Title and Description of the recipe on the page that opens.

Step 5 — You can customize your menu from the menu on the right side.

Step 6 — You can select Categories, Cuisines, Ingredients, Servings, Difficulties, Cooking Times, Preperation Times and Tags of the recipe.

Step 7 — At the bottom of the page you will see some options. You can customize your recipe using these options as well.

Step 7 — After you create your recipe, you can publish your recipe by clicking the Publish button.

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